calgary earth market society
Notice of
Annual General Meeting
calgary earth market society
Notice of
Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Calgary Earth Market Society will be held:
Date: Monday, October 26, 2020
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Place: Virtual Meeting
At this meeting, the 2019-2020 Audited Financial Statements will be presented and a new Board of Directors will be elected.
All members of the Society, and others interested, are welcome to attend. Only members in good standing as of the date of the meeting are entitled to vote at the AGM.
If you would like to attend the AGM, you will need to register by sending an email to: Please provide your name and your vendor name, if applicable. A meeting link and other documents will be sent to you prior to the meeting.
For further information, please contact
Valerie Vallance
Secretary, CEMS