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Supporters of the F&MM

feeding communities and culture


friend of th farmers and makers market at cSPACE

become a friend
of the market!

The Farmers & Makers Market at cSPACE is operated by the Calgary Earth Market Society (CEMS), a vendor and community-based not-for-profit with the mission to create uniquely vibrant, culturally rich, authentically LOCAL Alberta Approved Farmers Markets.

Friends of the Market donations provide much-needed support for community-building programming at the market, and for essential market operations. Proceeds raised from your annual Friends of the Market Membership will:

  • Support our year-round work to grow and sustain our not-for-profit Alberta Approved Farmers Market                                                                                   

  • Help us run accessible, quality, at-market programming, educational demos, live music, cultural experiences, and seasonal events                                                                                              

  • Provide funding for market initiatives including food education & to develop much-needed food access programs                                                                                             

  • Make you our recognised partner in “Feeding Communities and Culture”




Become a Friend of the Market today! Download the Contribution Form, and follow the steps to submit and show your support!


Our thanks to our 
Market Friend Supporters:

life long friends of the market $500+

Valerie Vallance, Backyard Bounty


Mike Crape & Liz Parkin


Rob Toth


Friends of the market


Two Rivers Distillery


Green Figs & Yams 

market supporter



Corvid Pastry


Harrison Forge


Pioneer Charcuterie


Mitchell Bros.


Ma Pies




Blindman Brewing


The Potion Masters


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